Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Itinerary for October 11-22, 2010 Available

How exciting it is for me and Debbie to tell you that we have received our new itinerary for our October 11-22, 2010 journey to Israel!

We would be glad to send you one either as an e-mail attachment or a hard copy via the US Postal service.  All you have to do is contact us and let us know what your preference might be.

The theme for this year's pilgrimage is "Let the High Places of Israel By the Highlights of Your Life."

We have worked hard, that is the tour hosts, Towson Travel, and Kenes Tours, to create the best itinerary possible at a price that is very reasonable and affordable.

Space is limited and time will quickly pass by, so please make plans to join us for a trip that is sure to change your life forever.

If you have any questions, please contact us and we will do our best to provide you with the best answers we can.

Our e-mail address is: tomanddeb@suddenlink.net

Again, start today in order to join us as we walk the land Israel!

Until the next time, Shalom.

Ezekiel 5:5